Tuesday, May 18, 2010

How to become a Mayor on Foursquare

Foursquare first of its kind, a mobile networking site based on Location. Though its a networking site but it's more interactive as it's based on real life experiances / things that you do. Concept of foursquare is you go to any place, you like something you want to tell your friends immidiately ... so how will you do that?

Well, you dont carry your laptops all the time with you, do you? But you have your mobile so Foursquare comes as a handy tool. Before we tell you how to be a Mayor on Foursquare, you need to understand few terms:

What is a check-in?
When you tell foursquare where you are, that's called "checking-in"

What is "The Mayor"?
If you've been to a place more than anyone else we'll crown you the "The Mayor" of that place.

More details about the Badges, you can find it here

Here is how you have to use foursquare:

1) Go to foursquare.com/mobile/checkin (Remember, this site is specifically for Mobiles, so you MUST go to the Mobile version)
2) Type in the name of the Place, where you are at present
3) Click "Check in"
4) It then will asks you - Add a Shout meaning thereby, message you want to convey to your friends about this place.
5) You can share this with your friends on FB or Followers on Twitter
6) Now the last step, click "Check-In".

So, the more number of times you check-in to any place, you becomes "The Mayor". Best part is, it's not static i.e. if any other person has checked-in, to any particular place, more than you then s/he will become "The Mayor".

Interesting to note is some places offers special discounts to "The Mayors".



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